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The Impossible Is Closer Than You Think

This is an antiblog, in that the title is actually the opposite of what it appears. On first appearance we might see this as we are close to achieving something incredible, that attainment is within our grasp. Furthermore, there is an element of hope, an aspiration to be reached, a moment to behold. Yet in reality, the impossible remains in that place. It is close, too close, and the challenge with being so close is that we lose a sense of objectivity in how to proceed. Because there is something else that prevents that final push, that final lunge or even simply reaching out and taking hold. Have you ever tried to high five yourself in the mirror? As much as you try, you can not make contact with the reflected hand as there is a layer of glass that covers the reflectant surface. The impossible is closer than you think.

Our proximity to the impossible can vary. There are certain aspects that we can plainly acknowledge are beyond the realms of our ability and situation. But there is also the impossible that seems to linger much closer, so close that it becomes plausible that this can be a reality. This is the impossible that is closer than we think. This begs the question of is it realistic to turn the impossible into the possible. And a slight shift might allow this to happen. Let's instead use the term, improbable. This means it is unlikely to happen under the current conditions without some form of change taking place. A parallel is then drawn between impossible and improbable. The first implies that it is not going to happen, the second implies it is unlikely to happen. What other factors need to be considered within this?

Lets start with self and situational awareness. We can consider internal and external factors that give the impression of the impossible being close and therefore allocating a sense of false hope. Internal alignment can come down to wishful thinking, that the current trajectory and behaviors are sufficient in this pursuit. The internal feedback provides an appropriate buffer from the realities of this, recognising progress where none or little is being made. This would then suggest that a source of external feedback is necessary in this process however this can be difficult to accurately attain as well. Observations might not consider the internal factors that hinder the progression, and in fact prove to be unhelpful in identifying the feedback required. The outcome of this, we are in a perpetual state of working towards a objective that is unattainable. We are grasping the impossible, and not in a good way.

Our situation often lends a role in this as well. At times we will find a mismatch between our self and our situation that provides a conflict and tension with our state of being. Simply put, life changes and what was once with the realms of possibility may now elude us. Further to this, we struggle on, willing all elements of grit, perseverance, and determination only to find that impossible remained just that. Our efforts are ultimately futile, yet we persist. We continue to be closer to the impossible than we think.

Our challenge then lies in identifying the difference between the impossible and the improbable. And I suspect that this is an area that we are all likely to fall victim to at some point. And victim is the right word. We are unsuspecting, unassuming and don't have the right markers to provide the appropriate judgements that we require. We could also argue that there is much to be gained in the pursuit of the impossible, and when learning is at the core of all we do then this holds up. BUT, only if the focus is on learning and not attainment. When we do have a specific outcome for attainment then we need a proper evaluation of improbable or impossible. Why not probable or possible? As I said earlier, this is an antiblog and probable and possible imply that something is more likely to occur than the reality of the situation. We don't account for how we can get in our own way of this process.

The problem with possible is that too many things are possible. If there are too many possibilities, then there can come a lack of focus on the persistence of these. We either lack focus in direction or the knowledge that something is possible suggests that we have attained this prior to the commitment. Furthermore, the conscious decision to commit to this might be lacking as we are firm in the knowledge that the possible is there. At best, possible implies there is a slim chance of success yet we can overstate this in the process or outcome. Impossible also sets up an unrealistic expectation. And simply put, if we achieve the impossible, then it was never really impossible.

Improbable starts with a clear identification of the tensions and resistance you are likely to face. There is less illusion and greater objectivity to be found, a more tangible approach to be had that provides a clearer perspective on reality. Our high five moment becomes much closer when we realise it is improbable that we can high five ourselves in the mirror, and acknowledge the piece of glass in between. We can then conclude with "you are closer to the improbable than you think".

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